It’s the little things that matter.

Ms. Awesome Anna
4 min readMar 1, 2020
Native American Tribe Tattoo

What matters is hard to define and even more challenging to learn as we never seem to be done learning who we are and what brings out the best and worst in us. Stress can trigger parts of us that we would rather not know. And limit our perception to what’s real? What is just a reaction that we did not think through before it left your mouth or you acted it out. To become awake changes the way you live.

To look back or even just pause and ask yourself who am I being?

Who do I want to be? What can I do to be more the person I enjoy being in everything I do?

I believe the place to start awakening is different for everyone but also the same. Find the thing you love to do and do it as much as you can. Find the places that allow you to expand and rest avoid places that don’t. Each of us are creating our lives by what we do and don’t do.

Writer and Poet Joanna Harris said:

“ I love living.

I have a house on a river in Nova Scotia

and I watch the water coming and going.

Being a poet is not a choice. It is a way of life.

It comes to me like the water,

from some invisible well or source.

Joanna Harris was able to create a life that served her temperament and grow the best of her skills and interests. How lucky she was indeed!!!

The Whole Story 2020 Blog is about releasing the stuff that has held me back from believing I could create a life I love, to tell and release the old story as I create a new one. I am holding my head up and standing as tall as I can despite the trouble I know.

Grounded, rooted, and alive.

What is a little thing to one is a big thing to another person. What you do matters. But what matters more, is why and how you do what you do. Let us focus on what we do want to create and learn to quickly release all that does not serve us. Fear holds us in cages and in cycles none of us desire. Our fears are connected to the patterns we allow. You can change the way you look at life and react by changing your focus. I have never been a person that follows well. Nor have I had the privilege to have incredible experiences without a lot of work and focus. This has given me incredible grit that I completely possess and learning how to master. I have big ideas, expression, and my favorite… I have big ideas

You see, the old me thought I must learn to be like everyone else and less like me. But now I KNOW that I am enough, perfect ,and here to help others heal their lives by inspiring energy. I hope to help everyone I can heal their lives by believing in the power of focusing on what brings you joy.

Despite all the shit I’ve known, I’m here and alive. No Matter what happens I am here alive until I die. I choose to enjoy life. I do this by enjoying every beautiful kind thing I can find. Whether I say or speak of it, just notice.

But I do try to encourage people to notice the beauty in life by verbally letting strangers and friends know, I see beauty in them. Doing this teaches other people how to do the same. I’m not sure what has taken people so far from love and joy…I do have ideas… But I dare everyone to tell a stranger something you notice that you like about them. Could be a sweater, smile, action, ect… but just go give kindness. You will see how good you feel.

My mom has always been the kindest woman I have ever known. She is also the most mentally ill person I have ever loved. Mental illness is not something I completely understand, but I know how it effected me when I was a child and ability to connect with people as an adult. Which is why I am now writing with the intention to heal. All the little things we do that are kind matter…start with smiling at a stranger. A smile may be enough to shift their focus from something sad to good. Small gestures of kindness matter.



Ms. Awesome Anna

I write in order to transform my life. I read to be inspired and learn ideas. I live to love as many moments as possible. Sharing is why I love Medium!!!