WE There comes the time to BEGIN…again once again, and then again all our lives.

Ms. Awesome Anna
4 min readNov 27, 2020
Anna-Can-Anna-Don’t- Stop-Anna-Rise

For over 10 years I have been carrying a story that led to the demise of my marriage after I had a baby with a man who I realized I never really knew. Since then it’s been a wild ride full of lessons that I choose to grow from. When 2020 started I had the best intentions for writing my experience and sharing it with readers in order to heal myself and get more free inside for my daughter and make space for true good lasting romantic love in my life.

HA! it’s now less then 40 days until 2021 begins. This year has been F-CKED UP for everyone in the world. The pandemic has made time slow down and speed up all at once. What I would like to set out to achieve in writing in this blog 3–5 times a week. I want to share with you a story that broke my heart and silenced me with shock. But I have come back alive and am fearless now, the worst has happened, my daughter was taken from me by series of money hungry ruthless people in Family Law. I have nothing to hide, I am no saint. But I a VERY good human, I care about humanity and the future of everyone and living thing.

You can expect a lot more writing and reflections to be posted from this day forward. It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States, 11/26/2020. I made cheesecake for my mom and the people who take care of her. Pumpkin pies for my neighbors. And asian inspired noodle dish for my feast, I had alone. Yesterday I spent in tears most of the day, but I pushed myself to get outside and move my body, which always helps me center. The tears I cried need come out, its releasing so much I kept deep down. Until now, I have been afraid for anyone to see me weak. For the first time since my divorce, I feel at home in the neighborhood I live in. And this comfort and support has given me the courage to step out and speak so that I can help others like me heal too.

We Can Heal Each Other, Yes WE Can! Yes WE Do!

Writer Ryan Holiday has been like a Sun or Moon in my life, shinning his wisdom and knowledge of world’s greatest thinkers. Specifically, he speaks to the use of courage and taking time to learn self mastery and reflects on how great obstacles are overcome. Historically, I have lived a very flexible schedule with work and life, as I have had businesses, multi-media art projects, single parenting/motherhood, and am a writer. Learning how to balance has come from the need to learn in order to achieve my goals. And here is where we meet on Medium.

I am beginning a whole new practice for how I live my life. Despite how much I struggled with the concept of routine. In the past, I always found routine limiting to discovering new ideas. Those ways of thinking are out grown, it’s time for me to grow up and become the woman I was meant to be, a leader and healer. Here I begin to share and release stories that hurt me. I know I will heal myself as I take the time to release the past. My hope is to reach people who need to heal their broken hearts too. I believe my experience with Family Law happens to many American families and it’s enough of it. NOW it’s time to stop allowing the American Justice System to be run (MOSTLY)by greedy people who don’t care about the generations of suffering that the GREAT INJUSTICES in American Family Law creates as it appears to be controlled by ruthless soul sucking manipulative money hungry vampires.

It’s time for a major reckoning in the American Justice Systems and the whole world knows it. But, that will be another blog post. I’m excited to find research on what’s been happening in statics and to explore and implement REAL national changes in our beautiful country in our beautiful world. Like Anne Frank and Helen Keller, I still believe in the beauty and possibility of every moment of life, despite the cruelty some humans create.

May my stories inspire compassion and social change on a VERY VERY large scale. Amen!

Thank you for reading Whole Story 2020. I’ll be back soon.

PS, I already feel lifted after just writing this.



Ms. Awesome Anna

I write in order to transform my life. I read to be inspired and learn ideas. I live to love as many moments as possible. Sharing is why I love Medium!!!